In my time running table top RPG games as a game master, story teller, and/or dungeon master, I have found that introducing potential players to my world can be a bit challenging. I have had cases in the past where players looking for a gritty survival game set in dying world are disappointed when they show up to my table to find that I have created a setting that involves exploring magical realms of whimsy and delight.

In recent years, I have created single page setting summaries before I start running a new game that provides potential players and overview of the world, highlights my house rules, and establishes basic expectations.

The one-page setting summary isn’t a replacement for a conversation with my players or a session 0. It gives my potential players a sense of what to expect in the game world I have created. It also allows potential players an opportunity to opt out before getting too invested in character creation.

I have two examples of one-shot adventures that I have run in the past year, one for new players, and one for more seasoned adventurers. Feel free to use these as an example for creating your own one-page summary sheets. At some point in the future, I intend to post the complete adventures so they can be used by other game masters “out of the box” as well as a step-by-step guide to create your own one-page summary sheets. Until then, I hope you enjoy what I have created so far, and I look forward to sharing more with you.

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